St. Aidan’s Catholic Primary School Mini Vinnies
St. Aidan’s Mini Vinnies are part of the St. Vincent de Paul Society England and Wales, a voluntary organisation dedicated to tackling poverty in all its forms.
Our representatives from Year 6 meet to pray, discuss and support how we can to help make a difference in our local community.
In school we turn concern into action as we use the Mini Vinnie formula of ‘see, think, do’ to find people in need and help them.
In 2021 – 2022 we:
- created Christmas cards for NHS key workers
- shared Christmas cards with our local community
- collected food for a local food back
- Invited Parishioners into school for a Passover Meal
- Create a hat day, fundraising for brain tumour research
In 2022 – 2023 we have:
- fundraised for CAFOD Brighten Up Appeal
- collected items for the Apostleship of the Sea
- ‘Happy for a hundred’ fundraising for the Salvation Army and BHF